Post City: Patois patty's featured in What to Eat this Minute Best in 2016, PressPatoisApril 6, 2016postcity, Patois, Patty, pressComment
Our Prosperity Jerk Lobster takes #1 spot for "The Best Food in T.O. this Minute" Best in 2015, PressPatoisNovember 4, 2015Press, Post City Magazine, postcity, Patois, Prosperity Jerk Lobster, Best in 2015, TorontoComment
Patois is honoured to be selected as one of Joanne Kates' Top 100 (via PostCity) Press, Best in 2015PatoisMay 1, 2015postcity, Patois, Joanne Kates, Top100, Kates100, Best in 2015, Best RestaurantComment
Patois receives glowing review from Joanne Kates Press, ReviewsPatoisApril 10, 2015Patois, reviews, Joanne Kates, postcity, Post City Magazine, PressComment
PostCity – Lunch Pick: Patois’s Hong King Kong waffle Press, Best in 2015PatoisApril 9, 2015Press, postcity, Lunch, Best Brunch, Best LunchComment
Patois featured in Creole & Cajun Eats article on Post City Toronto PressPatoisSeptember 15, 2014postcity, Patois, CraigWong, reviewsComment
Counter Culture: Patois brings Jamaican-Chinese soul food to Dundas West Reviews, PressPatoisJuly 11, 2014reviews, postcityComment