Toronto Life: Inside Patois chef Craig Wong's Fridge PressPatoisMarch 18, 2016TorontoLife, Patois, CraigWong, InterviewComment
Chef Craig Wong on Jazz.FM's Generation Food Interview, PressPatoisAugust 6, 2015Interview, CraigWong, Jazz.FM91, Generation FoodComment
Caribbean Calling... Interview with Food Fanatics Magazine Interview, PressPatoisJune 5, 2015Press, Food Fanatics Magazine, Interview, CraigWongComment
Swallow Daily interviews Chef Craig Wong's use of Fish Sauce Press, InterviewPatoisMarch 6, 2015Interview, CraigWong, SwallowComment
Chef Craig Wong's interview with Shop Talk in The Grid Reviews, PressPatoisApril 23, 2014TheGrid, Patois, Reviews, Interview, CraigWongComment